The man Mike and I were sitting beside at the House of Agape cried the whole time Karl played worship. I got this picture of Mike praying with him...
Our last Sunday at the Y! So bittersweet!
Mike and Sharon were always the offering counters. :)
After communion, we made a "thankful alter" to the Lord... we each wrote on a river rock something to symbolize what the Lord has done in our lives during the time we were meeting at the Y over the past 4 years. The kids wanted to decorate the rest of them after church. :)
Parent Practicum for CC in Fort Mill. My kids LOVE "CC Camp!"
Micah introducing a skit his class put together...
Our very first Sunday of meeting in homes instead of at the Y! We were at the Thompson's house, and they made a TON of food! Two other homes had church in them that day too.
Holding new baby Jesse!
A little after-church poker. 😂
Church at our house the following week... We kept hearing last-minute of extra people coming, and then even more showed up who just came with friends. We moved the couch, but we need to knock out a wall!
At one point, we had someone translating Spanish and someone else translating Chinese in our little house church!
We took a trip to Maryland! On the way to Maryland, we got a call from our adoption agency checking in on us. We found out that there is a file for two little boys in Haiti who are specifically being "tentatively matched" with us. Still a lot of work on Haiti's end to be done before we could receive a referral, but it's good to know we are near the top of the list! (Side note: 4 months later, in October, we found out the two boys turned 4 in April and 2 in July. So unless it takes another year and a half to receive a referral - which it better not! - they aren't at risk of "aging out" of our home study parameters.)
Here is Kenton, in from the barn, with his "temporary" leg on... (Abby didn't want to go anywhere near it!)
Here is Kenton, in from the barn, with his "temporary" leg on... (Abby didn't want to go anywhere near it!)
Some people take their shoes off at the door; others take their leg off... :)

Farming in the rain!
Comparing Grandpa's arm with Abby's. :)
When we came back to South Carolina, Abby spent the whole evening crying off and on because she missed Grandma. She's never had such a hard time with it, poor thing! Only one solution...Grandma Bender needs to move closer!
Oops, a few more from Maryland...
This was Kenton's first time milking since the accident. And my first time milking in like 20 years!
When we got back from Maryland, we found that an old dead tree in our backyard had finally toppled over... and it fell just perfectly so it didn't hit the fence or anything else. Hurray!
After one of Abby's swim lessons, we came out of the pool to find that there was a "block party" being put on by a youth group from out-of-town. Of course, Abby had to have her face painted.
I think she's supposed to be a unicorn....
Churches in the area did a joint worship gathering once a month during the summer. I caught this sweet picture of Isaac Bucher during one of them...
Although we now meet in different homes 3 Sundays out of the month, the last Sunday will all still gather together wherever we can find a place. This time we rented a little room at Fewell Park for Sunday afternoon.
Having fun during a haircut...
Using some cut hair to imitate Hitler... 😂
Micah went away to Vineyard camp in Georgia for a week (the week after we got back from Maryland.) He had a blast along with the Ziebers and some other kids from our church. His team ("The Canadians") won the Quidditch tournament. (The sport from Harry Potter.)
Other things from June: the week before we went to Maryland, Caleb and Abby went to VBS at Harvest Baptist Church. (Then they attended a VBS while we were IN Maryland for a few of the days at the Lutheran church in Accident.) The week we got back, while Micah was at Vineyard camp, Caleb and Abby attended a VBS in the mornings at Westminster Presbyterian. (So I had 4 mornings all to myself!) Thank goodness for the Baptists, the Lutherans, and the Presbyterians! I started getting some planning done for CC for the year, did my yearly one-day Director training, and Ben and I went to Carroll Financial's yearly "Symphony in the Park" client event on Father's Day while the Jette's watched our kids for us.
Ben caught Abby rapping in the kitchen...
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