One Sunday afternoon we decided to drive up to Charlotte, walk around the city a bit, and enjoy the park and skyline for the evening. It was a very pretty evening for September!
Baby Jesse is always the hit at house church!
Ben had off Labor Day, so we did a few fun things. We went to the local bookstore and read Far Side comics and drank coffee drinks for a while. I worked on learning Latin. :)
In case there was any doubt whether there is a homeschool group meeting or not...
Abby's class at CC:
Another house church pic!
A picture just because it was a rare moment when they were both focused on schoolwork!
The upside-down picture in art was evidently pretty funny :)
Abby doing a presentation on pandas...
Caleb's buddies at lunch all listening to music...
While Caleb does Essentials in the afternoon, Abby goes to "childcare" with Ms. Jeannie. She's been reading them a chapter of the Boxcar Children each week and has activities and crafts for them to do to go along with the story. Abby loves being with her little friends and loves Ms. Jeannie!
A friend from church gave Micah an electric/acoustic bass guitar. Another instrument for him to love! :)
We went to cheer on Becca in her baseball game on her birthday...

The Ziebers and Thompsons and other friends from church were in a HUGE cross-country race in Charlotte. (There were thousands of kids.) Maddox Bucher's cross-country team came from Greer, too, so we went to see all of them race! It was pretty crazy!
Maddox, who is Micah's age, runs with the high school kids and he does really well!
Isaac likes to show off his belly...
Caleb's birthday was the same weekend as the race, so that evening (Saturday evening), we had a "guy's party" at our house. Karl and Lindsey spent the night at Wes and Joyce's house, and Abby and Zuri spent the night at the Zieber's house for Becca's birthday celebration. The boys played nerf wars outside. We bought a box of 400 nerf bullets for the occasion. About 14 of them made it back inside at the end of the night. 😂
Eating chocolate cake!
The next day, Caleb and Mike Jette lead the discussion at church together. :)
The Jettes gave us their old couch (which is MUCH nicer than our couch) because they were getting a new one! Everyone wanted to sit on it.
On Caleb's actual birthday (Monday), we took off school and went to Adventure Air Sports. (Caleb and Ben went to breakfast at Waffle House first.) Not only was did we get the discounted "homeschool" rate, but we had the place totally to ourselves for an hour! Then we went home and watched the new "Aladdin" movie, and in the afternoon, the Ziebers came over for dinner and cake.
Caleb reading his paper in Essentials...
Our "new" couch. :)
One evening we got dessert at Amelie's then walked down the Rock Hill Brewery to listen to the live music and play games.
We had our corporate gathering at Cherry Park the first Sunday in October. It got pretty hot by the end of the morning, but was still really fun.
Abby's new friends at CC. She LOVES the girls in her class!
Presenting on "Choo Choo":
Also in September: Ben and I had our 16th wedding anniversary! We went to the Cheesecake Factory while the Jettes kept our kids for the evening.
One afternoon, the kids were taking down the trash and heard a funny sound... they discovered a black snake wrapping itself around a squirrel, then killing it and eating it whole. I didn't get pictures, but it was very exciting to watch. 😂
Also our friend Mani sent us this old picture of Abby.... this was from the first summer we were in South Carolina when he came to visit and she was less-than-thrilled to have him around. :)