August was another month of "waiting"... thinking we might be going to Haiti any week now, and still getting delay after delay. So we didn't go many places or do a whole lot. We had CC orientations and then Caleb and Micah had their first day of CC on August 17. Abby and I started a week later, on August 24. (It's so weird not tutoring, subbing, or directing ANYTHING!) Cross country officially started for the season too!
Super funny thing... I got a message from my niece Kelsey one day, and she was like, "I see some very familiar individuals about halfway through this AFV video!" Evidently, America's Funniest Videos did indeed receive the video that Caleb uploaded a few years ago. I had no idea! Here is the link to the video:
Summer fun with our neighbor, Genny Ruth:
Caleb teaching me how to play chess:
At House of Agape, everyone seemed in kind of "off" mood while they waited for the mood. Micah started playing the piano and everyone's mood shifted! One homeless guy tried to tip him. 😆
Babysitting Bailey for the day:
The women at church went through the book, "Girls with Swords" over the summer. We had our last gathering at Emmett's in Fort Mill. Most of the women had left already when we took this picture, but it was a good night!
We decided it was time to get a YMCA membership instead of Planet Fitness. We really wanted a place where Caleb and Abby could get some exercise too. Plus, even though we had the Carowinds membership, the waterpark there was always so big and full that no one ever wanted to go there anymore... but the smaller pools at the Y were more accessible. (Our community pool was never fixed this year. The HOA is trying to get passed a special amendment to make everyone pay a $160 fee to fix the pool, but they need 67% to vote yes in order to do so, and evidently no one in our community is willing to vote. 😞 If that doesn't go through, there won't be enough money to fix the pool for next summer either.)
Working out at the Y became a frequent evening family activity. :)
Doing the swimming test at the Y... both kids passed with flying colors!
I think it finally happened... Micah has passed Ben. :)
The Homecoming Run in Chester was the first time trial/race of the year. Micah managed to get a 20:36 even though he threw up before, during, AND after the race. (He often throws up afterward, but the before and during is weird... maybe a combination of empty stomach, poor sleep, physical exertion, and MAYBE a very mild tummy bug??) The video across the finish line was cut short so I wouldn't catch any of that on camera. 😬
High Schooler group picture (but missing some):
Breakfast at Waffle House after the race (with Ziebers, Shopes, and Nathan):
First day of Challenge! Micah drove himself and Caleb!
Challenge A:
Notice Caleb trying to hide from me: :)
Challenge II (while they watched their first "How Then Shall We Live" video by Francis Shaffer...
Orientation for Foundations and Essentials was on the same day... Abby and Emma both wore the same shirt AGAIN just in case the other girl wore her's. :)

After orientation, I took Abby on a "Mom-daughter date" to Panera and then to pick out some back-to-school clothes. She was very happy! :)
Teen group at our house...
Pretty sunset one evening outside the Riverwalk Y:
I just don't know why it takes so long for Caleb to make a batch of cookies...🙄
Ben had a meeting mid-morning in Charlotte, so he worked from home for about an hour before heading to Charlotte. He had some help for a while. :)
First day of CC for Abby!
Such a perfect set of pictures to explain the dynamics between our kids... 😆 (Caleb has his shoes in his hand because, per usual, he is running out the door and will put them on in the car.)
Essentials class with Ms. Jennifer:
Mindee was missing the first day, so here was the Foundations class picture the second week:
The "bored teenager" pose...
We invited some of the Ghana guys over for dinner. (Isaac, Matthew, and Clement.) Clement ended up not coming, but Isaac's family had just arrived 3 days before from Ghana, and they came too! (Wife Gifty (I'm sure that spelling is wrong), kids Rosa, Wilson, and Smith.) Their kids were SO CUTE!!!! They also brought a new teacher from Jamaica, Jodi.
Little Smith:
Micah put his headphones on Wilson and then played a song for his over the headphones... Wilson was pretty sure he was playing the music himself on the piano. 😅
Micah said he wanted to send this picture to Grandma and say "Surprise! Look who's home!" 😆 He did send it to Riley Shope, who wrote back, "Oh my goodness, congratulations!"
Metrolina race! Micah got to run on Varsity, which is great... except that he had to be there at 6 am... which meant we had to get up at 5 am and leave by 5:20! 😳 He had hoped to break 20 minutes, but just didn't have the energy. He still had a great time at 20:59.

Sprinting to the finish!
After Metrolina, Ben, Abby, and I came home and took naps (Caleb had not come to the race), but Micah had to work for a few hours in the afternoon! Toward the end of his shift, we decided to go see him in action for the first time.... I can't believe we never actually stopped in to "see" him at work before that. Poor guy looked tuckered out! We picked out ice cream for a lazy evening at home. :) Funny thing... Micah had gotten a $125 gift card to Publix for showing them his Covid-19 vaccination card, so while we were checking out, I asked Micah if he had his gift card on him. I offered to buy it off him and use it for groceries. He was like, "Actually, I got another one today!" They had picked his name out of the hat to receive another $100 gift card (as they sometimes do for all Publix workers.) So he literally had made more from gift cards than from his actual job so far. 😆

Trying out Empire Pizza near us. I had just said, "I have a question for you, Athletic Person" (directing it to Micah) and immediately, Ben and Caleb puffed up their chests and muscles too.
Micah spent an afternoon hanging out with the Shopes and Nathan at Lansford Canal. I thought these pictures were funny that Shelley sent me.
Shelley had just said, "Levi, put your hands down!" So of course, Micah did this...

Habitat for Humanity is building a house in honor of Robby Moody. Ben went to the "dedication" day or whatever it's called. They got to go write verses and blessings on the wall of the house.
Abby loved this little coin purse thing that Ben's co-worker sent home for her. She makes these out of leftover cloth from the quilts she makes.
Micah and friends hanging out at 7-Eleven after cross country practice. The variety of food choice is interesting. :)
Micah took Caleb to work out at the Y one day (before we found out Micah technically isn't old enough to be Caleb's "guardian" there.) The did weights and then Micah went for a run at Riverwalk while Caleb rode his bike. Obviously, they had to stop for Taco Bell when they were done to un-do all that work. 😆
The glow of the screen on Caleb's face... that's his happy place. 😬
Helen hiding from Micah. :)
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