Wednesday, January 30, 2019

April 2018

Princess and superhero dress up day at CC.  Abby makes a pretty cute little Elsa...

Learning how to use a calculator as they talk about probability...

Micah's favorite part of CC... :)

Ran into friends at the library...

Meeting up with friends at the Fire House Museum in Rock Hill (it's free!)

Last day of CC...  These are the Foundations kids:

It was also wacky day.  I forgot to turn my shirt back to normal for the picture. :)

Working on probability:

Aaaaand... on the very last day we actually broke something. Some kids knocked a picture down (that was in the gym for some reason.)  We thought at first it just broke the glass.  Then we realized it also busted one of the disciples' heads open.  And OF COURSE this was a picture donated by someone in the church who had just asked about where the picture had gone.  (Sigh!)

Meeting up with the Vosler family in the park for a concert.  Their 4 little girls LOVE Micah!

CC's End of the Year Program...

The Essentials class:

Mid-April is BEAUTIFUL!  Our grass looked good, the weather was great, and Ben got to live his childhood dream of being the "tall guy" playing basketball with neighborhood kids. :)

Micah did some standardized testing for the first time ever.  He ranked in the 99th percentile overall!

CC ended, but we had just a couple weeks of school to finish up...

Chilling out with Aiden...

Abby played soccer for the first (and possibly the last!) time...

New CC friends at the park... (I met up with some moms who had signed up for the fall.. I wanted them to get to meet other moms!)

From the last day in Essentials...

Sunday, January 6, 2019

March 2018

Another cutie (Kel) we were babysitting...

Watching an orchestra:

"In 1492, Columbus made the 1st of 4 trips to the Caribbean on 3 Spanish ships named the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria..."

Singing the orchestra song at CC:

The scores didn't look so great, but a good season none-the-less...

We went to a Chinese restaurant to have a birthday party (that Carrie threw) Aiden, the little boy she babysits.  (His Dad works at the Chinese restaurant, so that's how his Dad was able to be part of the party.)  They brought out TONS of food for us to eat! 

Micah changing the line on the weed-eater.  His "lawn-mowing business" included 3 lawns in the Jette's neighborhood.

Micah presenting his paper at the "Faces of History" night.  He was Billy Graham.  Ironically, while Micah was writing his paper, Billy Graham passed away, so we had tons of interviews we could use as resources.  (And the funeral which was held right here in Charlotte.)

A trip to the zoo.  The monkeys were going nuts!

Mama hugging her baby koala...

I think this turtle was one of the highlights.  We made up his "thoughts" while we watched him trying to eat.

Trying to get a picture with the sea lion as it swam by...

Homeschool class... trying to figure out what kind of animal makes which kind of poo...

Petting a baby hedgehog:

Micah had 4 teeth pulled out at the dentist... just because they were loose and about ready.

Our cool new matching CC shirts:

Selfies at another basketball game...

Abby played soccer for the first time!  Her team was called "Fire."  So we sang the song, "This Girl is on Fire..." all the time.  

She just grinned and ran the whole time.  I'm not sure she ever actually touched the ball. 

The "reading" chair...

Caleb's like a cat... he always picks a spot of sunshine to sit in.

A friend had a birthday party at her Grandpa's house... the kids loved the chickens!

Party at the Zieber's...(Easter egg hunt!)