It's been a good week. Last Sunday, we did the unthinkable and SKIPPED CHURCH! We realized that in our almost 11 years of marriage, we had never skipped a Sunday of church unless someone was sick (and then the healthy person would go to church alone or with the other kids) or we absolutely had to travel on a Sunday. So we decided to take one Sunday and have a full day of just family fun. The verdict: ehhh. It started out great and relaxing, but by the end of the day, we were like "We should have gone to church." :)
Breakfast at Bob Evan's, one of Micah's favorite places. (Texas Roadhouse is his favorite non-breakfast place. Why does he like the expensive ones???)
Like my Mom, I was just the "incubator". :) Ben will never be able to deny his boys.

"Horsing around" at the bookstore:
The king and his knight defending the princess:
We had our first week of Classical Conversations. This is the class I tutor. I have my hands full. :)
Actually, Caleb was the only one who almost "lost a sticker" because he kept talking when he wasn't supposed to. The other kids were all very well behaved!
Caleb working on his school work at home:
It took my a while to figure out why he was taking so long to color his pictures, but then I realized it was because every crayon he got out of the box had to act like a rocket taking off :)
Heading to the YMCA to do "gym class" with Dad. We're pretty stylish folk as you can see... :)
Best part of the weekend: We babysat (Saturday and today, Sunday), this little guy named Joshua. His Dad, Arnold, was on a fishing trip and his Mom had to work. We (very gladly) offered to babysit. Can you blame us?? Our kids have loved playing with baby Joshua.
Abby feeding Joshua. She and Caleb both opened their mouths wide every time Joshua needed to take a bite...
This is my first time trying to post a video. Let's see if it works.
After this weekend, I am ready to adopt a baby! :) If our bank account was as ready as my heart, I'd be signing some papers ASAP. Maybe once we get settled into a house and Sunday morning services are rolling, I might look into foster-to-adopt to see what kind of hoops South Carolina would require us to jump through. We'll see. I just think our family looked pretty good with a little black baby in it. :)
On the house-hunting front: we would really like to get out of our rental by the end of October when our lease is up, because if we don't, the cost goes up and we automatically renew for another 3 months at a time. We've been looking through several houses. About a month ago, we made an offer on a house we LOVED, but prayed that if God didn't want us there he would make it really clear. He made it pretty clear because the bank that owned the house decided to give it to the Wounded Warriors program (which helps wounded vets find housing.)
We haven't found any other houses we loved as much as that one, BUT we did put an offer in on a house we liked this past Friday. It's a HUD home and we offered pretty low, so we'll see within the next week if this is where we are supposed to be. It's in a nice little simple community, and it's on a cul-de-sac which is great for the kids riding bikes or playing outdoors. It also has a decent-sized fenced-in backyard. It's tiny and simple; 3 beds, 2 baths, all one floor. The kitchen is TINY, but do-able. If we got the house, there's room to eventually re-do the kitchen (by relocating the little laundry area) so it would have more room and make more sense. It also has a "Florida room" off the dining area! Which would probably be the homeschool room/toy room. But I'm most excited that it has a little garage. Not that we would park our cars in it, but it would be a great storage spot. There are NO basements in SC, and most places have attics that are not easily accessible, so I've really wanted a garage where we can store kids clothes, Christmas trees, bikes, etc. PLUS I could get a freezer again! The house also comes with a washer, dryer, and stove, so I think a fridge (and later, a deep freezer) would be the only appliances we'd have to buy. Anyway, we'll see what the Lord wants!
Here's a link to the house that will probably work at least for a few weeks: